Viennoiseries Classiques et Modernes par Sébastien Lagrue Champion du Monde de Viennoiserie!

May 3th 2023

2019 was my first workshop at Lenôtre and MOF (Michel Roth and Jaunault Frederic) in France. I just graduated from Le Cordon Bleu, and it was the first time that I had a close-up study of the preparation of ingredients from the very beginning. I was amazed by the precision of the professional cooking, and the beauty of plating.

This year in March,  I was able to go back to the culinary school again for one month. And our lovely team was so fortunate to learn and co-create with chef Sébastien Lagrue! Being an artisan baker-pastry chef and the world champion in the chocolate bread competition in 2009.  The magnificent French pastry techniques were extremely inspiring and the traditional pastry skills shone light upon me and my amazing team at Lenôtre.  To our surprises, chef Lagrue gave away many tips to bake "ecologically," which means no waste, use the last ingredient to its best! Every leftover of the dough or filling can be reused and made into something incredible to eat!

今年是2023,距離疫情爆發已經有4年的時間。2019是我初次去法國Lenôtre與MOF (Michel Roth與Jaunault Frederic)學習的第一次工作坊,而當時剛從藍帶畢業的我,是第一次跟料理大師近距離的學習。從一開始的食材準備工作,到專業烹調作業的精準, 以及最後擺盤的強烈色彩美感呈現,真是讓我驚豔不已~ 
而今年2023的4月,我又有機會回到Lenôtre在Rungis的新校區。這次很榮幸能和工匠麵包達人,2009 年世界巧克力冠軍Sébastien Lagrue一起學習和共同創作!他精湛的法式烘培技術,同時兼具傳統技法又加上自己30年的工作經驗來以現代工具 "創新傳統",讓我和我在 Lenôtre 一起學習團隊嘆為觀止。出乎意料的更是,Chef Lagrue分享了很多“生態 (Ecological)”烘焙的秘訣,這意味著製作麵包的過程中是沒有浪費(zero waste)的,而且即使最後有留下邊角料,我們也盡量使用到最後!無論是多餘的麵團或內餡,我們都學習到如何做到的每個剩餘部分,都可以以不同手法來變化塑型夾餡方式,而製成令人難以置信的點心!

The Art of Using Ice-pak for the Viennoiserie Dough


Using leftover dough to make delicious food again!


The seamless layers of beauty


An artistic twist of styling 天外一轉的塑型美學


Corn, Rice with Pine Nuts and Rocket Leaves